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鸿贵文秘网 发表于2022-04-05 10:30:01 本文已影响




 *xx 银行离岸业务定期存款申请书

 Xx Development Bank Offshore Business

 Instructions for Time Deposit 致:

 :*xx 银行:

 日期 Date: To Xx Development Bank:

  客户号* Customer Id.


 A/C Name

 示 客户指示 Customer Instructions 示 定期存款开立指示 Instruction For Time Deposit 存款期限*

  Tenor □一

 周 one week

 □一个月 one month

  □两个月 two months

  □三个月 three months □四个月 four months

  □五个月 five months □六个月 six months

  □七个月 seven months □八个月 eight months

  □九个月 nine months □十个月 ten months

 □十一个月 eleven months □一

 年 one year

  □其他期限(存款本金需在等值 100 万美元以上):

 (天 Days)

 Others (Principal of deposit needs to be more than USD 1 million or other equivalent currency) 币种及小写金额* Currency,Amount In Figures

 大写金额* Currency, Amount In Words

 计息方式* Interest Type □ 不浮动 Fixed □ 按


 Floating for every



 Floating interest type is only applicable to time deposit of which tenor is more than three months(included) and tenor must be the integral multiple of floating period 到期处理*

 Instruction For Time Deposit on Maturity Date □ 本息入本公司/本人活期账户 Credit deposit principal together with interest to our/my current account

  □ 本金加利息按照原存期继续转存 Renew the principal together with interest thereon for the same tenor 业务须知 Regulations

 1、*为必填项,客户不填视同本业务申请无效。Please fill in all *star-marked blanks.,otherwise the instruction may be regards as null. 2、因客户填写不当、印鉴不符、账户余额不足等原因导致银行无法处理本业务申请,本申请书作废。The instruction

 will be regarded as invalid if the bank can not deal with it due to improper fill-in, wrong seal、insufficient account balance and so on..,. 3、如客户申请书作废,银行将在业务受理当日立即联系、通知客户,因客户原因(包括但不限于通讯不畅)导致银行无法在业务受理当日联系到客户,银行将在次一工作日尝试再次联系客户,并被认为已尽到对客户的告知义务。If the instruction is invalid, the bank will contact and inform of customers immediately, If the bank can’t contact customers in the day of handling business due to customers’ reasons( including and not limited

 to communication failure), the bank will try again in the next working day, and be considered as having performed the obligation of informing customers.

 4、存款实际起息日以银行受理时间为准。Deposit value date is subject to the time when this instruction is accepted by the bank. 本公司/ 我已阅读并接受上述规定,请按以上指示办理定期存款。

 We are /I am completely notified and agree to abide by the above regulations and instruct your bank to handle time deposit for us/me.

  授权签署人签章 Authorized Signature And Chop(if any)

  客户信息 Customer Info *联系人 Contact Person


 Telephone No.

 电子邮件 Email Address

 特别说明 Remarks

 银行填写区域 Bank Area 分行编号








推荐访问:离岸 申请书 存款